Sunday 19 January 2014

Here at last

I've had thoughts of starting this blog in my mind for quite a while now, but I couldn't think of a name. I planned on it being primarily about my toy collecting, but from time to time I get the urge to write down other things as well, how I'm feeling, what I'm doing, some where I've been, something I've seen.........and the list goes on. Of course there's good old Facebook, but it's becoming more and more apparent lately, that many people seem to get ticked off with basically anything you post, no matter what you post there always seems to be someone that won't like it, they won't tell you of course, but they will make their own status stating how certain things peev them off, so being the person I am I find myself posting less and less. At least with a blog I can jot down my ramblings and no one in the world even needs to see it unless they want to. It's here for me, but if anyone cares to join me along the way they are most welcome to do so.

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