Tuesday 21 January 2014


I mentioned yesterday how out of control my yard had become, well here's a before shot of what you would see if you drove down my driveway. It was worse, but I had attempted to mow last week, but my lawn mower had blown up, and the one I had on loan just couldn't handle to long grass and so I gave up. I don't usually let it get that bad but we'd had a leaking pipe at Christmas time and it turned into a swamp and the grass went crazy. I'm pleased to say I spent yesterday afternoon, and this morning out there and the grass is now mowed, and I have the hoses going to everything a much needed water. It's amazing how much better it looks already. I hope to get back out there later and give the roses a much needed prune, and hopefully by the end of the week will have the lawn green and gardens weeded as well. A coat of paint on the house is also on the agenda and I hope to get that done some time during the year. I'd like to get back out there now, but I need to go mow my back lawn before it too gets out of control.

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