Tuesday 28 January 2014

Baby Steps

So it's a week today since I posted the before shots of my front yard, and I think it's safe to say my expectations of myself were a little high. What I have to keep reminding myself is that things didn't get out of control in a day, and so I can't expect to have them all fixed in a day either. There's still a long way to go but it's already looking much better, the lawns are mowed and watered and getting greener every day (through they now need mowing again) and the last two mornings I've dragged myself out there while the shades still over, and pruned (more like hacked lol) and weeded the miniature roses and  started chipping the grass off the driveway. With school starting this week, I'll have to be up and dressed and out the door by 8am, so I hope to put at least a couple of hours each morning into the garden after the school bus run, and before the sun comes over. It really is quite lovely out there in the morning when the shades over. Can't wait to get the two gardens near the house fixed up, I've found out we can get mulch from a couple of the local tips for $6 a trailer load, so hopefully I'll get the gardens weeded soon and we can go get some.

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