Friday 7 February 2014

Finally a toy post

I originally created this blog with the intention of blogging about my collecting, but so far it's been anything but :/ Until now my photos had to be taken on my DSLR then uploaded to, and edited on my computer before I could use them on my blog. But now I have an iPhone I can take pictures and upload them straight to the blog via blogger. So here's to my first toy post :) This is Volcanic Lava Barf Eruptor, lovely name hey lol. If you don't already know he is a game piece from the electronic game Skylanders Swapforce, he is actually a special variation of the normal Eruptor and is normally only available when you buy the Nintendo 3DS version of the game, but I was lucky to find him second hand in EB games yesterday for a whole $8 :)

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