Monday 10 February 2014

Energy please

Lately it seems that no mater how well I wake up, or how good my intentions are for what I want to get done that day, without fail by mid afternoon I've fallen in a heap and all I want to do is sleep, which in turn sends all motivation out the window :/ somedays I wonder if I did lay down and have a sleep, if it would help me to recharge, but with a 3 year old in the house that's pretty impossible :( think I just need to learn to go to bed earlier, and motivate my self to get fit. Today hasn't been all bad, I have scrubbed the oven and cleaned the toaster, but that's a few jobs shy of what I had planned on getting done today :/ 
The oven was a horrible mess, but I really didn't want to use any kind of ready made oven cleaners and had been putting it off. So when I saw a simple method that used ammonia and water, I thought I'd give it a try. It didn't have the amazing results claimed in the article I read, but I can't deny it certainly helped with removing the grime, even if I did have to do it twice, and scrub scrub scub away. And I'm sure if it was done regularly it would work perfectly. Now I know how it's done I'll try my best not to let it get so bad again.

Friday 7 February 2014

Finally a toy post

I originally created this blog with the intention of blogging about my collecting, but so far it's been anything but :/ Until now my photos had to be taken on my DSLR then uploaded to, and edited on my computer before I could use them on my blog. But now I have an iPhone I can take pictures and upload them straight to the blog via blogger. So here's to my first toy post :) This is Volcanic Lava Barf Eruptor, lovely name hey lol. If you don't already know he is a game piece from the electronic game Skylanders Swapforce, he is actually a special variation of the normal Eruptor and is normally only available when you buy the Nintendo 3DS version of the game, but I was lucky to find him second hand in EB games yesterday for a whole $8 :)

Blogger App

Yesterday after a long time dreaming, and then having to jump through what seemed like a million hoops, I finally got an iPhone :) I'm in love, I can finally take good quality spur of the moment snapshots, and upload them straight to the net. I loved my iPod but let's face it the camera was horrid, my Instagram is testament to that, and let's not even mention the pathetic 8gb memory that was forever full. I'm still waiting for my number to be ported to the new sim, but that doesn't stop me playing over wifi :) I'm writing this on the blogger app I downloaded this morning. And I'm finding lots of cool apps I was never able to use due to the space limitations on my iPod. Now I just need to go get an iTunes card so I can get rid of some annoying advertising on the apps I decide to use.It was a gorgeous morning out this morning just perfect for walking to the bus stop and testing out the camera :)

Saturday 1 February 2014

First day of school 2014

Well Thursday just gone was back to school day for all 3 kids that I still have at home. Meagan took the big step into her first VCE year, My little man was off to his first day of Primary school, and Miss Emily was back to 3yo Preschool, but it was all new kids and teachers so it was like she was starting all over again. Thomas was so excited to be starting 'BIG' school, and is absolutely loving it so far. When he got home on the bus the first afternoon, I asked him if he'd made friends and his reply was "yes everyone" :)  One of the many advantages of a small country school, and having traveled on the school bus to the Preschool (which is in the same grounds) all last year is that he already knew a good majority of the kids in the upper grades, and I think he has managed to charm just about everyone, including his teacher lol so his transition has been a smooth and easy one, now fingers crossed he continues on this same path and thrives at his new school. Emily has a few adjustments to make with Thomas no longer in Preschool with her, getting used to new teachers and their new routines and ways of doing things, but I'm sure she'll settle in just fine once she gets used to the changes. Also being that Preschool is only two morning a week, she also has the adjustment of being the only child at home for a good majority of the week, so lots of changes happening for Miss Emily.
Miss Emily refusing to look at the camera as always

So excited he ran to the bus stop as fast as he could

My big boy on the bus and off to his first day of Prep

Miss Emily playing kitchens at her Preschool Orientation day